Wordnik helps both bloggers and casual readers find and discover meaningful content. Our first product,wordnik.com, is the world’s largest online dictionary, powered by our “concept graph” technology which understands the complex relationships between all the words in the English language. Now, we’re bringing our concept graph and discovery technology to WordPress.

Our latest product is a new engagement tool for blogs that delivers interesting, relevant, and serendipitous content to the blog’s readers. Wordnik shows readers content similar to what they are already reading, either from the blog or from across the WordPress network of blogs. Either way, the blogger gets to decide. This content is delivered through real-time notifications that provide immediate discoveries for readers and then get out of the way. With Wordnik’s proven concept graph technology, readers get accurate discoveries, not useless links.

Interested in learning more about our product? Take a quick survey that will help us make it even better and sign up for our beta release.